Saturday 11 December 2021

Withybush Wagtail roost

A few weeks ago, pied wagtails, that had been gathering at Withybush, flew south probably to roost somewhere else closer to Haverfordwest town centre. This evening they were back at their usual Withybush roost site. As usual, many gathered on roofs and in a few nearby trees before gradually moving across to the roost. We estimated that at least 360 pied wagtails had settled in by about 16:30.

They were quite difficult to count, not helped by the fact they regularly moved around before finally settling down. Some flew in from quite a high trajectory; others appeared to initially gather at out of sight locations before flying up to enter the roost from a lower level. The movements of these birds were not easy to see, so our estimate might be too low.

A few of the wagtails were occasionally hovering (almost hummingbird-like) for a few seconds at a time, presumably having a last minute feast on insects attracted to a bright beam of light near the roost.