Saturday 12 March 2022

Castlemartin Corse

Enough water for some ducks - 80+ teal, 20 mallard, 15 shoveler and a single drake pintail flying around on his own. Moorhen, grey heron, Cetti's - altogether plenty of activity in the reedbed. Just 1 snipe seen, 11 golden plover overhead. 

The 2CY♀ marsh harrier is still a fixture, settling for a while in a field on Kilpaison Burrows, about 700m away, the other raptors present were 2 buzzard and a ♀ merlin. Plenty of song - meadow pipit and skylark, chaffinch, dunnock and reed bunting all singing away next to the hide. 28 species for a BirdTrack list!