Wednesday 30 March 2022


No sign of Brian & Derek's Muscovy today, and there was Lisa & I thinking we had got away with 13 days in the Canary Islands without missing a good bird on our patch!  We did see Muscovy on Fuerteventura, but it was whilst not seeing a Red-billed Tropicbird so little consolation...

Approaching high tide this evening there was a good number of Oystercatcher which were on the beach before relocating to Cormorant Island and some others to the Musselwick side.  Really pleased to see Yellow X4, which was ringed in Dublin in 2020 and was at the Gann from 20/4/21 to 29/6/21.  It was seen again in Dublin in August 2021 (at least).

At least 14 Redshank, and single Greenshank and Grey Plover, along with 2 Dunlin and 6 Bar-tailed Godwit. 2 pairs of Shelduck, fingers crossed for a good breeding season for them.