Tuesday 29 March 2022

Kete and a wild goose chase

A circuit of Kete this evening was quiet. Plenty of farm activity with gulls mopping up the worms and a scattering of Pied wagtails. Single Wheatear by the lighthouse. 2 pairs of Chough chipping out larvae from the dry ground. A small flock of Linnet in the remaining stubbles. Passing the Gann I stopped to chat with Derek, we hadn't been talking long when we spotted a distant flying largish white winged bird with dirtier coverts that had us a bit flummoxed. It was heading up the marsh as Derek tried to get some photos and I followed it in the optics before quickly dropping out of sight. Derek jumped in the car to check from Mullock Bridge and I walked up to the submerged footbridge but the only birds on the marsh were a couple of Little egrets. However a last look around the pools and there was the culprit, a Muscovy Duck!