Wednesday 23 March 2022

Tuesday sightings

From Ian Smith:  Tuesday 22nd March 2022 

The Gann 09:35-10:35
68 Oystercatcher 8; Barwit; 3 Redshank and 
small waders totalling one in the form of a Ringed Plover.  13 (5m) Wigeon
10:05 Brent Goose 35 arrived down river to land and then graze in Lagoon, before soon leaving East along the north shore of Haven at 10:12
Dale revealed a blank on the Glossy Ibis front at 10:40, ( and again at 12:20 and 17:25) so not lucky third time !  Compensation of Peacock butterfly and Grey Wag by Dale Castle.

Dale Airfield 10:40-12:15  Great to see some 95% of the Gorse Scrub flailed to ground height at long last, with more Skylark and Mipit activity notable in its place.  Still some Linnets and Stonechats.
1 Ringed Plover heard at Stoney Field, where 12 Chough fed nearby along the grass strips in the cracked runway concrete.

St Brides Bay 12:45-15:00 gave views of 2 winter plumaged Red-throated Divers with a handful of Cormorants feeding in similar areas as another  handful of Gannets soared past.   2 Chough heading NE, well offshore, raised question of whether their flight agility means they are able to avoid Peregrine attacks whilst so exposed ?

Back to The Gann 17:35-18:35 (after again  confirming Dale was still devoid of Glossy Ibis)
Brent Geese now down to a group of 11 and another of 7, seemingly unperturbed by people as they fed on the shore.  Still 68 Oystercatcher and 8 Barwits, but a Greenshank had joined the 3 Redshanks, a male Teal with 2 females and only 3 Wigeon now visible.  40 Curlew appeared in the Lagoon as I was leaving.  Offshore Common Gulls reached around 130 and Black-heads over 30, after arriving from direction of St Brides(?)