Thursday 24 March 2022

Wednesday sightings

From Ian Smith:

Wednesday 23rd March 2022
10:10-11:55 The Gann
Any hope the sunny conditions with SE breeze would bring new Birds was not to be and that included no Glossy Ibis at Dale, which is likely to continue until others share the important timing of their sightings (?)
3 pairs Teal and same 13 Wigeon as yesterday.  6 Shelduck, 1 Greenshank, 8 Redshank, 1 Dunlin, a reduction to just 48 Oystercatchers but Barwits holding steady at 8 birds.
Quick scan on Airfield showed no promise in oppressive heat but ploughing of field by car park had attracted 190 voracious Herring&LB-b Gulls with 4 Pied Wags.
Chiffchaff reported singing by Broadhaven Hostel.
Fingers crossed for Thursday...