Monday 11 April 2022


Very quiet now. A couple of dozen Shelducks remain on the mudflats and a Great Crested Grebe fished off the mouth of Sprinkle Pill. In the pill itself, Teal (6), Mallard (2), a Little Egret, a Greenshank, 2 pairs of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a pair of Shelducks. A single Black-tailed Godwit also, with a striking, unusually long bill and possibly longer legs than your average islandica ssp. A possible second limosa ssp bird for the county? Unfortunately, even with a bill of this length, it is not long enough to rule out islandica, even though it appears to be at the top end of the range of lengths for a female of that ssp. A lack of other distinctive features in the plumage leaves the ID inconclusive. An unusual bird nonetheless.

In the trees and bushes around the pill 2 Blackcaps (male and female) and 2 Chiffchaffs were all the migrants seen.