Friday 29 April 2022

Out and about

Paul and I made the most of the cracking weather to check a few spots. Starting at Minwear we were greeted by the trill of a distant Wood warbler, soon having 2 birds, singing either side of the steps. Canaston next, 3 Tree pipits singing in the birch clearing and a female appeared with some bonding behaviour occuring. Marsh tit and Garden warbler in the same area. 

Templeton airfield was the next stop. 5 Yellowhammer (2m, 3f), with 4 feeding together along a grassy runway. Also 3 large peachy Wheatears, Whitethroats, Sedge warbler, Kestrel and a fly over Greylag. Down to Fresh East. Reed warblers and Blackcaps in the marsh and Whitethroats in the dunes. Quick stop to check Stackpole end of the ponds added Cettis before we headed to Broad Haven South side. Mere Pool valley: more Reed warbler, Whitethroat and a hooting Tawny owl also a nice variety of butterfly enjoying the warmth and shelter included Dingy skippers, Small and Common blue and Small copper. Further Reed warblers towards the Grassy Bridge and a Carrion crow carrying a large rat.