Friday 29 April 2022


 Over the past 3 days 26-28th  from just the wild part of or garden at Mullock I have observed falls of warblers, 6 singing sedge warblers, sparring with the churring common whitethroats, lesser whitethroats have stopped singing and maybe on eggs now after a burst of activity 8 days ago.  Blackcaps still singing but fewer around obviously as they set up territories. A ringing session showed up some in breeding condition but certainly not all.   

A trip to the bridge revealed grasshopper warblers reeling, sedge warblers either side of the bridge and a reed warbler. Another plus was a weasel briefly in the open as it worked its way through the tussocks on the south side of the Gann. Low numbers of swallows (maybe 20 max per evening) and single house martin heading to roost in the Gann scrub/reeds.

As for the jays they have shut up completely so are breeding perhaps 2 in our area one in a dense hawthorn. The buzzard is also nesting in the larch copse. 

Wrens, dunnock and blackbirds have started singing again suggesting second broods. blue tits very quiet, feeding but none caught in the nets, busy on eggs. Great tits still advertising. 

Goldfinch numbers seem to be well down but have recently started catching siskins (very unusual for this part of the county on the coast), greenfinch too and several pairs of breeding bullfinch. 

Anna and Steve Sutcliffe