Friday 24 June 2022

Cartlett Lady trip report and possible future trips...

 Report from Anthony and Andy... Flat calm, about a hundred common dolphin, (not quite a super-pod!) Porpoises, and two Minke Whales as well as a Basking Shark. Not to mention the Smalls Light, the incredible Gannetry at Grassholm Puffins by the hundred and Grey Seals , not too shoddy!... Risso's and Bottlenose Dolphins also seen from the Fishguard Bay boat, so all of the big five seen in our waters on one day! (Bottlenose Risso's and Common Dolphins, Minke Whale and Harbour Porpoise) Also Risso;s reported near Ramsey!

Reports of Fin Whale, Minke and Thresher Shark from another boat yesterday that was much further out in the Celtic Deep, shark fishing... It has me wondering if, rather than combining sight seeing of the islands with our survey stuff we maybe should just head out into the Celtic Sea and see what we see!
As the year advances some unusual sea birds may well be feeding out there around the trawlers. Maybe worth a ten hour trip if conditions were as good as yesterday...Would be a bit pricey around £170 per head I am guessing let me know if anyone would be interested via: