Wednesday 12 October 2022

Broad Haven South, Trevallen Down & Valley. 11.10.22

1st winter Whinchat found yesterday in Broad Haven South car park scrub. A male Firecrest was showing (slightly) well in Trevallen Valley. Later I flushed a Snipe on Trevallen Down. It flew away then flew back over me pursued by a super-determined female Merlin. A heart stopping high speed pursuit ensued, the Merlin following the Snipe's every jink & turn, until they sped out of sight ahead. I had goose flesh all over. Walking that way, some 5 minutes later, I flushed the Snipe again. It had survived the terrifying encounter (with the Merlin, not me.) This time it flew low & dropped quickly into cover. Obviously it had learnt from the experience. And I was happy that I hadn't been the unwitting agent of its demise!

Phil Baber