Tuesday 11 October 2022

Great Egret (2), Firecrest & other Dale peninsula highlights

This evening's dog walk around the Gann was brightened up by 2 Great Egret on the saltmarsh upstream of the wooden footbridge with Little Egret.  First seen at 1730 from the layby by Crabhall Barn (a long way off), they were last seen around 1815 flying high south, lost to view over the old windmill.  Nice to meet Chris & Zelie, who had also seen the egrets heading off into the sunset (well, sort of).

On Sunday I had a Firecrest at St Brides (with Huw Lewis), keeping company with the roving tit flock, it showed well not far from the Pump House as you head towards the scout house.  Also a Chiffchaff there, the only one I have seen locally for a while.

Today a male Blackcap at Kete, and lots of birds on Dale Airfield including a Wheatear and a Reed Bunting: especially good numbers of Meadow Pipit and Skylark.

The spring tides concentrated a really good selection of waders at the back of the Pickleridge Lagoon at the Gann yesterday evening: 66 Redshank, 12 Greenshank, 3 Grey Plover and 146 Curlew were all noteworthy.

The first view from Crabhall Barn

Disappearing south

Phonescoped - you can see what it is