Tuesday 18 October 2022

Castlemartin Corse

I found Alan M at the hide. The shock waves from the bangs on the range were upsetting the wasps nesting in the roof (Vespula germanica) causing them to pour out each time looking for someone to blame. The bangs also set off the water rails the length of the Corse, at least a dozen at a guess. 

Two marsh harriers were showing well in the sunshine, the usual 1CY male, and the female, except that her plumage now looks - for the first time in good light - as if she could possibly be 2CY,** with more extensive creamy-white around head and shoulders, making me unsure if she's the one we've been seeing recently. My Forsman now falls open at page 222. The 1CY male uniformly dark. There was some interaction, brief talon grappling as well as flying about together. Two pics of the female - the poor photo of upperparts shows the extent of creamy-white. The harriers mostly fly up and down the watercourse on the north side, so few close views. 

All the usual small birds, a couple of snipe, a couple of golden plover over, chough, buzzard, kestrel....

** Confirmed as 2CY by my Norfolk correspondent!