Saturday 29 October 2022

Dale airfield and the Gann

Bit of a damp start with blustery showers. Never seen so much water on the airfield, even the sheep were giving me quizzical looks as I plodded around. 110 Lapwing hunkered down, 300+ Starling, A kestrel kept flushing them. 20 Snipe and a Jack snipe. Mixed flock of around 100 goldfinch and linnet in the field by the water trough. 30 Skylark by the entrance gate. Just Goldcrests on the sheltered track up.

Gann low tide, 36 Redshank, 6 Greenshank and a Turnstone. 12 Little egret. 10 Common gull. Some of what appears to be Skokholms larger gulls by the footbridge. Herring gull W:961, GBB W:239 and W:298.