Saturday 29 October 2022

Dartford Warbler, Trevallen Down 28.10

Dartford Warbler at Trevallen Down near St Govan's, yesterday afternoon. (1st reported by Chris Orsman on 22.10.) In gorse near track north of Trevallen Valley. Calling and showing at times, but generally elusive. Managed a "Bigfoot type record shot" (of its rear end), which I might have the courage to post later. Had some great binocular views, but it never said "cheese" for the camera. Always quickly diving into deep cover.

Edit: 15.11.22 Just uploaded the poor record shots (heavy crops) finally. Every time I tried to take a photo it would dive down out of sight . Only discovered I'd captured a fleeting shot of it later. (Think there's enough here to tell it's not a Marmora's!)

Phil Baber