Thursday 20 October 2022

Dale airfield and the Gann

Lots of birds around from the off. 100 Redwing eastwards at Talbenny. More Redwings on the track up to Dale airfield, Song thrushes and Blackbirds. We often overlook Wrens and Dunnocks but they seemed to be everywhere today. Yet another Firecrest on the track up. 5 Stock dove in the field by the entrance gate. 100+ Starling. 35 Lapwing. 4 Curlew. Dunlin and 2 Ringed plover in the rain-filled pools. 100s of pipits across the airfield. Still Skylarks passing. Reedbuntings very obvious with a flock of 15-20 by the water trough. They've been feeding in the sacrificial crop field nearby (looks like sorrel/millet) and were flushed by a Merlin. Linnets and Goldfinch in there as well. 5 Fieldfare. More wheezy Redwings in the braken above Marloes Sands. A Jack snipe among the 20 Snipe. 2 tumbling Chough and acrobatic Ravens enjoying the fine weather.

A quick look at the Gann took longer than I intended. Quite a few gulls above the footbridge majority Herring gull with a few young GBB, a single Med gull and a single Common gull. They were shuffling around but i did my best to read those with rings.
Herring gull, red ring, white lettering left leg but partly obscured. 
Herring gull, red ring, white letters right leg (Skokholm) W:889
GBB (1cy), white ring, red letters, left leg P:28F
GBB (1cy) green ring, white letters left leg N:2G9. 
60 Fieldfare flying over. More thrushes and blackbirds in the blackthorn, with a chiffchaff and male Blackcap.

Footnote: news from Terry Coombs, of the Portland Gulls project, P:28F was ringed 15 June 2022. 1st re-sighting.
N:2G9 was ringed 4 July 2022 Walney Island, Cumbria by the North West England gull project.