Thursday 15 December 2022

The Teifi

An increase in waders rather than ducks over the past 48 hours, now 230 Dunlin and 26 Ringed Plover. Unusual to see a Greenshank roosting with these small waders. 180 Lapwing roosting in the main estuary at low tide, spread out into the local fields and mixed in with 80 Golden Plover as the tide rose.  200 Wigeon from St Dogmael's Quay, with 3 Shoveler - 2 males with 1 female today, opposite sex ratio two days ago ! On the reserve, 2 Goldeneye on the river and chattering Fieldfares flying everywhere. Kingfishers still fishing on the river through the reserve and in the main estuary. A pretty complete Goose count yesterday, the (dark-bellied)Brent with 58 Barnacles and 660 Canada Geese.