Thursday 15 December 2022

Ty Rhyg and Rosebush Reservoir

Ty Rhyg: Small group of Golden plover and a single Lapwing flying around before dropping down into nearby fields, couldn't see them on the ground because of the trees but the sheep fields to the north looked the likely spot. 2-3 Willow tits among a mixed flock of Coal tits and Blue tits rooting out insects or taking seeds from the spruce cones, Siskins and Crossbills quietly feeding in the spruce as well with showers of seeds drifting down giving them away.

Rosebush reservoir: partly frozen in the north-east corner. 15 Teal, 10 Goldeneye (7 male) always a bit like Whack-a-mole trying to tally these as they pop up and down, 4 male Tufted duck, 2 pairs of Wigeon, pair of Shoveler, 4 Little grebe and a single GC grebe.