Sunday 11 December 2022

Upper Daugleddau - WeBS this morning

Being somewhat iced-in this morning, we were only able to cover the upper reaches of the Cleddau for WeBS that we could do on-foot from home. At Landshipping there were around 100 or more teal, 20-30 wigeon, 30-50 lapwings,  several redshanks and curlews and around 300 dunlin. A few hundred Canada geese flew down from the Eastern Cleddau to a favourite field on the opposite shore but there were no obvious greylags around.

Six great crested grebes (five together and another just in the Eastern Cleddau) were feeding in the channel plus a few little grebes. A great northern diver was also seen briefly feeding off Landshipping Quay. 

Two adult whooper swans flew into Millars Park lagoon from somewhere on the Eastern Cleddau. Might they have been the two that were heading inland up the valley at Gupton last Monday? 

The stars of the morning though were two otters, probably an adult female and her well-grown cub. Having just finished fishing, they made a short sprint up the shore before disappearing into a large rocky crevice to rest-up.