Monday 12 December 2022

Hook - WeBS count this morning

 An interesting ice-ridden assault course around the estuary this morning. The frozen ground meant Snipe (15) were more visible than normal as they moved into the unfrozen, intertidal area. Other waders - Redshank (113), Greenshank (7), Curlew (28), Dunlin (536), Lapwing (61), Ringed Plover (7),         Black-tailed Godwit (2), Bar-tailed Godwit (1)

On the wildfowl front, Teal (582), Wigeon (205), Mallard (28), Shelduck (49), Great Crested Grebe (3), Little Grebe (2). Only 51 Canada Geese were visible but many more were calling, albeit hidden in fields to the south of Sprinkle Pill. 

A low diversity of gulls this time with only 3 species - Black-headed (98), Herring (7) and Common (1).