Saturday 18 March 2023

Ifors pond comes good!

The WSW wind, and 11 degrees had me thinking there should be some Hirundines around, So after brunch in the Mill Cafe, St Davids, and before the rugby Fran and self headed off to Trefeddion where I often find my first hirundines, but a[part from a couple of Shovelers and Mallard there was little else to see. 

On towards Pen Berry where i scored my first of the season, a couple of weeks ago. As we motored along some birdies flitting above the road drew my eye. It was Ifors Pond that delivered the goods! Starting with what were obviously half a dozen hirundines, getting out of the car and grabbing my camera, it was obvious there was a bit of a fall going on. With numbers being added to, minute by minute until there were probably a couple of hundred, sipping a drink from the pond and hawking insects around the surrounding moor. 

OK, the pic's aint great, i was only wearing ordinary shoes and did not fancy wading through to mud to get closer! From what i could tell they were mainly Sand Martins though I did catch a couple of white rumps, so my first House Martins of the spring!