Friday 25 August 2023

Lesser Yellowlegs - Llangwm / Short-toed Lark Update

A Lesser Yellowlegs was present at Llangwm Pill at about 5 pm this afternoon (first seen there by a holidaymaker yesterday). The bird could be seen from the path at the back of the houses in the Esther's Lane / Orchard Row area, spending time near where some boats were moored on the the other side of the Pill. A large number of Redshank and at least 3 Greenshank were also present on the Pill. 

Earlier in the afternoon, I had spent about an hour and a half with the same holidaymaker trying to locate the Greater Short-toed Lark again at Dale Airfield. We eventually spotted it in the gated area to the east of the southern runway and it flew from there back onto the southern runway, where it tends to spend a lot of time.