Saturday 2 September 2023

West Williamston

Two ospreys today. As I approached the bench by the limestone creek, Kirtis and Hugh were photographing the hell out of an osprey that was fishing unsuccessfully in the Lawrenny Church area. It moved up the Cresswell River and settled for a while in a dead tree. It was disturbed by two people in a canoe, who continued up our creek. They asked what we were looking at and were amazed to hear they'd just disturbed an osprey. They'd launched from Lawrenny. We watched for nearly an hour, the osprey went to ground somewhere upstream. We could hear non-stop gunfire in the Templeton direction, not shotguns. 

As I walked back, another osprey appeared from up the Carew River and put on a fine display, pulling out of several dives. I couldn't see a leg ring, though Kirtis saw a blue leg ring, not well enough to read, a week ago. 

Good little egret numbers, lots of oystercatchers flying up and down the Carew River, a flock of about 150 curlew further upstream. 100+ BHGs looked to be catching ants. Three whimbrel got up from the salt marsh, more could be heard further up the Cresswell River, also at least two buzzards. 

My second osprey today
Kirtis Bowen's picture of a ringed osprey from a week ago - looks like blue ring on left leg, BTO ring on right. 

Today's 2nd osprey throwing a few shapes