Monday 13 November 2023

Gann gulls

Met up with Derek at the Gann this afternoon, quite sheltered from the stiff westerly. We did our best to read some gull rings. Skokholm ringed Herring gull W:978 (previously reported by John Freeman in Milford, ring looking a bit battered), and a 1w GBB W:440. Among the 73 Mediterranean gulls was Polish ringed PYT8 (previously reported by Bob and Annie in Fishguard, Sam Baxter on the Nevern and Dave here), Belgian ringed 3VTR (reported a few times here by Dave) also an unread Med gull yellow ring on right leg.

Other birds: 26 Wigeon, 15 Teal, 20 Redshank, 16 Turnstone, 10 Dunlin, 3 Lapwing, 2 Greenshank, 2 Barwits and a fly by Purple sandpiper heading towards the car park end as the tide pushed in, probably ended up to the right of the slip way but couldn't refind it.