Saturday 6 January 2024

Down South

Lovely to see the sunshine, blue sky, and both the Lesser Scaup and 3 Greater Scaup at Bosherston mid morning.  The birds were showing well on the eastern arm, on the west bank between the Eight Arch Bridge and the boat shed.  No sign of any Tufted Ducks, but we didn't venture further than the scaup.  At least 7 Goosander in the same area.

We tried but failed to find the Pallid Harrier at the eastern end of Castlemartin Corse.  Lots of birds though, including the Great Egret, juvenile Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, Red Kite, Buzzard, 40 Greylag Geese, around 600 Lapwing and 250 Golden Plover.

We also had a colour-ringed and GPS tagged Curlew.  The GPS device was on the mantle and had a little solar panel, we couldn't see the tarsus of either leg but the tibia each had 2 colour rings: white over orange left, orange over white right.  Currently trying to locate the scheme but am struggling with the ISWG Colour Mark Register!

Finally, the Whimbrel was still at the Gann mid-week.

Female Greater Scaup

2CY male Greater Scaup, female Great Scaup, 2CY male Lesser Scaup

2CY male Lesser Scaup