Friday 2 February 2024


A minimum of 86 Mediterranean Gulls at the Gann on the beach prior to dusk today.  Most were stood knee deep in water, but managed to read 3 white rings, all of which have been seen at the Gann before.  Most interesting (to me) was 3KR5, a bird ringed in Belgium as an adult in 2019 (and also seen by myself and Caroline Pickett here yesterday).  The previous (and only) Gann record of this bird was on 1/2/2020, so yesterday's sighting was 4 years to the day since the previous one!  In between it has been back and for to Belgium and the Netherlands, never seemingly breeding, regularly rocking up in Ireland and also in Devon and Gwynedd.

Also yesterday at the Gann 12 Brent Geese, they were quite distant on the Musselwick side but at least one dark-bellied bird amongst the pale-bellies.  A single Great Northern Diver out in the bay.  The Dutch-ringed Curlew remains (white flag X41).