Saturday 9 March 2024

Castlemartin Corse

Good WEBS count this morning with Caroline Pickett. Still a few ducks about, considering it's March. The female marsh harrier was keeping around 260 teal on the move: these settled briefly near the hide, with 12 mallard, 4 shoveler and 2 gadwall and 2 wigeon. Little grebe trilling, coot squabbling. Just 4 or 5 snipe, 2 redshank, 2 curlew, 2 lapwing and two bright red black-tailed godwits. 24 greylags feeding on field below Corseside nursery. 3 little egrets, 1 grey heron. No sign of pallid harrier, last seen on 29 February (unless anyone knows different). 

Fence post with marsh harrier in background.