Saturday 9 March 2024

The Teifi

 A few sightings from the last 48 hours. The drake Goldeneye, a drake Goosander and a surprise to see our female Red-breasted Merganser still present. Usually feeding in the main river off St Dogmael's Quay and been with us since the 27th September.

Teal and Wigeon numbers have dropped, nice to see a smart breeding plumage Black-tailed Godwit bathing amongst 140 Wigeon in the estuary mouth. The two Black-t Godwits wintering with the Curlew on the reserve are still quite drab.

Two Red-throated Divers on the sea and two flying up the coast. 

On the reserve, a  couple of Chiffchaffs singing, several Cetti's Warblers singing and a Firecrest ringed near the river view point was our first ever Firecrest in March.

County boundary birds - the Waxwings appear to have gone, though they became more mobile recently. First seen on the 8th Jan (Josh Brown).

The Cattle Egrets - at least one is still present, this bird has blackish legs, but the bird developing pinkish leg colour appears to have gone. Presumably a bird with more advanced breeding hormones and fancies elsewhere....