Friday 8 March 2024


A stiff easterly over the shoulder meant what few gulls were face on, together with a heavy chop so not the best conditions for what is probably my last visit for the season. LBB 110 (4:30), 300 (5:30), 650 (6:20), BH gulls 130 (4:30), Herring gull 46, a surprising 14 Mediterranean gulls (most looked like adults), 6 Common gull. No Yellow-legged. The pair of Red-breasted merganser still here and covering a lot of water from the hide to the boathouse along the near bank. Pair of Goldeneye. 12 Great crested grebe inc 4 pairs with one pair in the area of a previous nest site. 150 Canada geese and 3 Greylag arriving at dusk. 15 Mallard. Just 3 Cormorant. Chiffchaff snatching black midges from a bankside willow looked like a new arrival and the mournful calls of a flock of Golden plover heading eastward as I was leaving heralded the changing of the seasons.