Approaching from the inland end the most noticeable thing was the birdsong including 3 chiffchaffs at intervals between the farm buildings and the pines. Plus blue tit, robin, blackbird, song thrush, reed bunting, skylark, long-tailed tit etc. and great spotted woodpecker and nuthatch at the church. At least 3 Cetti's. A lot of meadow pipits on the wet meadows. At least 40 snipe, 12 lapwing, 7 greylags, 20+ curlew, fewer ducks, 3 little egrets, one grey heron. A buzzard the only raptor on show. The young whooper was keeping company with a juv mute, three mutes at the other end of the open water flew over a couple of times, the whooper calling each time they did so.
Two separate goshawks seen in recent days, one 2CY male and an adult, probably male.