Saturday, 9 February 2013

Castlemartin Corse

I did the Webs count at Castlemartin Corse this morning with Morris North. Starting off in rather drizzly overcast conditions the visibility was not the best and bird numbers were rather less than we would have expected at this time of the year - Wigeon 56, Shoveller 14, Pintail 1, Tufted Duck 1, Mallard 12, Teal 36, Mute Swan 3, Greylag Goose 3, Little Egret 2. A Bittern flew briefly over the reedbed and with two birds in the tiny redbed at Bosherston you have to wonder if there may be a few more in the sizeable reedbed at Castlemartin.

At Freshwater West there were 35 Grey Plover on the sand just to the east of the beach. In the fields behind the beach 340 Lapwing flew in. Near the top of the Bridleway a very large mixed flock (600+) of Skylarks and Finches swirled about as a Merlin streaked across. Unfortunately the birds then dispersed before we could get any real count of them. The Merlin put in another appearance later and looked really blue in the weak sunshine which had by then appeared as it flew rapidly across the Corse putting up Starlings and Linnets as it went.

Finally we spent some time going through a flock of c.250 Chaffinch and 100 Linnets near the road by Gupton Farm but could not find a Brambling.