Thursday 9 January 2014

Castlemartin Corse again

Castlemartin Corse again this morning, in lovely sunshine. I failed to tread on any of Richard C's jack snipe but saw or put up at least 200 snipe, and there were 1500 lapwing around the flooded area on the National Trust's inland boundary (which runs through the middle of the flooded area). The Corse is currently flooded to the 4.28 metre contour. The lowest part of the basin is around 3.5 metres above OD, with the outfall channel only a few inches above the level of  normal high water spring tides, meaning fresh water has had a problem getting away recently.

The only other additions to Richard's list were three chough feeding near Starman's Hall (in field A4, for my fellow counters!), and the usual Cetti's warbler sang twice at the edge of the reedbed near the conifer clump.