From Clare Ryland - Fishguard Lower Town this morning (10.30) just after heavy rain yielded 2 dippers, 8 turnstone, one curlew, one redshank, a few oystercatchers and about 7 mallard.
Black headed and herring gulls numerous, also a few Great Black-backs and one oddity - ( Larus argentatus ?? , it was a slightly larger, heavier gull than the surrounding herring gulls, slightly but noticeably darker grey with pink legs), sadly I didn't have a camera with me.
Quick stop at Newport - 1 grey plover, 20+curlew, 5+ redshank, 4+ mistle thrush, 1 water pipit, 4 little grebes and 1 common gull amongst herring and BH gulls with some GBBG as well. Also 2+ goldcrest in the trees on the south side of the river.