Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Godwits & Greenfinches

Forgot to mention in yesterday's post that yesterday we had at least 12 Greenfinch in the garden - the males singing away and generally making a beautiful racket.  We've had a few singles recently but this was definitely some sort of influx...from where we know not.

A quick walk around the back of the lagoon this evening to take a look at the roosting Curlew flock revealed 53 birds, 3 of which were colour-ringed (2 read).  What we were not expecting was to find 24 Godwits in amongst them - 15 Bar-tailed (all still in non-breeding plumage) and 9 Black-tailed (a mix, but 3 in full breeding attire - just stunning).  One of the 'in-betweeners' had a flag on its left tibia...but it was too gloomy to fathom it out.  Will try in the morning but suspect they may have continued on their merry way...