Wednesday 5 January 2022

Angle Bay this morning; Pembroke River (Pennar) area this afternoon

At Angle Bay (Kilpaison end) this morning, we were amazed to see a minimum of 82 Pintails amongst a fairly modest-sized Wigeon flock.  Many were on the Sawdern Point-side of the bay initially, with others  on the eastern shore. They all started to congregate in a line right of in front of us, which allowed a good count to be made through a telescope before too many of the Wigeon flew across to join them. We reckon that this must be a new record Pintail count at any one location in the Vice-county!  

A small part of the flock of mainly Pintails. They were too far away for a photo really, but could be counted ok through a telescope

Fifteen Brent Geese were feeding nearby on the shore as the tide ebbed (14 pale-bellied and one dark-bellied). Numbers of Dunlin were impossible to count as they were too far away and also starting to spread out across the bay to feed, but there were several hundred at least. We could make out two each of nearby Sanderling and Grey Plover, a single Bar-tailed Godwit and a a couple of dozen  Ringed Plovers. A single adult Yellow-legged Gull was also resting on the shore. A Sparrowhawk and a Kestrel were also hunting in the area.

Over at the Angle village/harbour-side we noted 46 Black-tailed Godwits, 100+ Dunlin, 20+ Shelducks and at least 100 Common Gulls feeding along the shore with other gull species including at least two Med Gulls.  Eleven Great Crested Grebes were feeding out in the bay, including a close group of 7. 

Later, we had a stroll along the muddy coast path between Pembroke/Rocky Park and Pennar, in search of "Mike's" Egrets. We noted three Chiffchaffs along the way in the wooded areas, including two near Jacob's Pill. The egrets were, however, noted to be feeding on the Monkton-side of the estuary - in a muddy field above the Pembroke to Hundleton road, near Quoit's Pill. We could make out at least 19 individuals but, being more then 1.5km away from our vantage-point on the Pennar-side, they were much too distant to determine numbers of Cattle versus Little. Hopefully others have managed to get closer views! 

One of two Chiffchaffs seen near Jacob's Pill

Two slightly overlapping images of the distant egrets, at least 1.5 km away. It was possible to make out  at least 19 birds; there could have been more!