Wednesday 11 May 2022

The sad tale of the 29 year-old Whooper Swan

Back on 19th December I recorded 3 Whooper Swan (1 adult, 2 1st years) at the Gann (blog post here). I noted a metal ring on the left leg of the adult bird, but couldn't read it all, but did note the last 3 digits - 846.

Today I noticed this article on the BBC News website - surely the same bird?  A sad end for a magnificent bird either way.  Presumably it, and it's 2 offspring, had spent the winter in Pembrokeshire, hopefully the 2 youngsters followed their instincts and headed north.

A fairly quiet spell at the Gann, 17 Whimbrel was a nice count, and what was presumably yellow X4 in amongst the Oystercatcher flock.  2 female Wheatear at the end of the ridge were pretty late migrants for here.