Friday 23 December 2022

Caspian Gull - Gann

A smart adult Caspian Gull at the Gann today at low tide with a decent number of other large gulls.  A second bird was almost certainly another Caspian, but it just wouldn't wake up!  Will try again tomorrow.  Also a drake Wigeon with an unusual head pattern below Crabhall Barn, been around a few days.

Other recent sightings include a Knot, the Eider, a Great Northern Diver, a couple of Brent Goose records (a dark-bellied on 1st, 36 pale-bellied on 9th, a single pale-bellied on 15th & 21st), three different Bardsey-ringed Great Black-backed Gull (B:162, B:214 & B:215) as well as several from Skokholm, plus a Lesser Black-backed ringed on Skomer and several Skokholm Herring Gull.

Yesterday at Marloes Mere 6 Tufted Duck and around 500 Lapwing.